Claims for professional negligence. A look at the Judicial and Courts Statistics

31st January 2015 by

Based in London and Brighton, Healys LLP bring innovative and authoritative legal solutions to clients looking to make a claim for professional negligence.

We have expertise across the full spectrum of professional negligence specialisms, including the following:

  • Claims against negligent lawyers or solicitors
  • Accountant and IFA negligence claims
  • Engineer, architect and construction negligence claims
  • Estate agent and surveyor negligence claims
  • Negligent valuation claims

The Ministry of Justice

The Ministry of Justice is a ministerial department headed by the Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor. It has several key aims, including to promote access to justice, to affirm civil liberties, and to raise confidence in the efficacy and fairness of the justice system.

As such it has a vital role to play in ensuring and monitoring claims for professional negligence, often with particular reference to claims against solicitors or lawyers.

The Judicial and Court Statistics Report

One role of the Ministry of Justice is to keep track of the numbers of claims for professional negligence made each year.

This serves several purposes. One purpose is that it allows the ministry to see whether the justice system is providing enough access for claims to be made, another is to monitor whether there have been any rises or falls in the claims rate.

For example, the 2011 Judicial and Court Statistics Report found that there had been a steep upward trend in the making of legal negligence claims in 2010 and 2011. There were many possible factors associated with this trend. For example, there had been a sharp economic downturn during this period, meaning that claimants had greater imperative for claiming sums for any financial loss.

Professional negligence solicitors in London and Brighton

The professional negligence partners at Healys LLP can help you successfully negotiate the sometimes uncomfortable question of making a claim for negligence against a professional.

We have experience of acting on behalf of both individuals and businesses, and have successfully brought claims against professionals such as law firms, accountants, architects, financial advisers, surveyors, bankers and insurance brokers.

We are a highly respected law firm with offices in the legal hearts of London and Brighton and can bring value to your case while providing clarity and conviction.

Contact us today for more information about making a claim for professional negligence.