Healys fights for a RTA client

21st January 2016 by

The Personal Injury team at Healys recently scored yet another success at court, representing a claimant who no one else would help. Miss V was driving home when she stopped at traffic lights. The car in front of her had run the lights and reversed at speed hitting our client.

The other driver alleged that Miss V had driven into her and the case proceeded to court.

The outcome of the case

The team at Healys fought tirelessly and didn’t give up, securing the evidence of a witness to verify what Miss V was saying. Healys didn’t give up despite the insurers for Miss V seeking throwing the towel in.

At court the Judge preferred the evidence collated by Healy’s and the Judgment vindicated Miss V.

If you require further information on the services we provide, please contact the Personal Injury team on 0800 280 0432 email injury@healys.old-website.shout-loud.co.uk