Healys Recommended as Leading Firm in Legal 500 – UK Solicitors Guide 2020
Healys LLP has again been recognised as a leading firm in the latest edition of the Legal 500. This year, 4 practice areas and 3 individual lawyers have been recommended.
Healys LLP has again been recognised as a leading firm in the latest edition of the Legal 500. This year, 4 practice areas and 3 individual lawyers have been recommended.
The phrase ‘cancer misdiagnosis claims’ has become used to describe claims not just for the misdiagnosis of cancer. It is also the term often used when people make medical negligence claims because the wrong cancer treatment has been applied, or as a result of a diagnosis of cancer being made later than it should have been i.e. because chances to spot the symptoms of cancer were previously missed by a medical professional on at least one occasion. Continue reading →
In the latest statement of changes announced by the Home Office on 11 Sept 2019, they have added the following occupations to the Tier 2 Shortage Occupation List (SOL) Continue reading →
The Prime Minister has announced today that foreign students will be permitted to remain in the United Kingdom for up to two years after completing their degrees. Continue reading →
The question of whether the suspension of a teacher who could only write by hand for a few minutes constituted direct disability discrimination and harassment under the Equality Act 2010 was considered by the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) recently in Ahmed v The Cardinal Hume Academies. Continue reading →
Companies are often far less well known than the brands under which they trade. A recent High Court case illustrated that failing to make a distinction between formal corporate entities and their trading styles can cause problems when it comes to dispute resolution. Continue reading →
If you feel that you have suffered a wrong of any kind, a delay in taking legal action can put paid to your chances of obtaining justice. A widow who was left nothing in her deceased husband’s will found that out to her cost when her hopes of obtaining reasonable financial provision from his estate were dashed. Continue reading →
Roads are inherently dangerous places but, if disaster strikes, specialist lawyers can ensure that accident victims are properly compensated. In one case, solicitors representing a young man whose life was changed forever by a crash in which three of his friends died were able to secure multi-million-pound damages on his behalf. Continue reading →
An important decision that will be of interest to commercial landlords was issued by the Upper Tribunal (UT) recently. Continue reading →
When an adjudicator makes a decision and the evidence presented is incomplete, to what extent can the adjudication subsequently be revisited when new evidence is supplied? Continue reading →