IMPORTANT ALERT- New Biometric Residence Permit cards issued in 2020 will expire in 2024

4th February 2020 by

If you have been issued with a five year biometric residence permit (BRP) which on its face says it will expire in 2025 then you should be aware that as a result of Brexit, it will actually expire on 31 December 2024.

This is because as of 11 PM 31st January, the UK will no longer be legally part of the European Union, and an EU restriction prohibits the biometric cards from being issued beyond 31 December 2024.

The Home Office have agreed to issue a further BRP card to replace the current one and has also confirmed that it will issue it free of charge.

As yet, the Home Office have failed to notify current BRP holders that their BRP will expire up to one year ahead of time. It is therefore imperative that those affected make a diary note of this important fact and chase the Home Office if they fail to replace their current BRP card with a new one.

For more information regarding this or any other immigration matter, please contact our Immigration team on 020 7822 4000, or email