Boy Injured By Poorly Maintained Street Lamp Awarded £20,000
If injuries result from a public authority’s failure to match up to its duties, then it is only right that compensation is paid. The High Court made that point in ruling that a failure to properly maintain a street lamp was to blame for an accident in which a 12-year-old boy lost part of his finger.
The boy and his friends were playing ‘tip the can’ – a game that combines elements of ‘tag’ and ‘hide and seek’ – in the street. In order to make themselves ‘safe’ from capture, they had to touch the street lamp. During the game, the arm of the lamp suddenly came away so that it was held in place only by wires.
Proceedings were brought on the boy’s behalf against the public authority that bore responsibility for maintaining the lamp. It was argued that something with a sharp edge must have fallen from the lamp and sheared off the tip of the boy’s right middle finger.
In ruling on the matter, the Court noted that engineering experts were agreed that the lamp was heavily corroded and in a precarious condition. However, they also concurred that something more than the vibrations arising from the children touching the pole would have been needed to bring down the arm.
The Court found that the boy had probably been climbing or swinging on the lamp before the accident. Its poor condition, however, reflected a lack of any reasonable system of maintenance. On the basis that the public authority was 50 per cent responsible for the accident, it was ordered to pay the boy £20,000 in damages.
Local councils have a responsibility to keep all the public roads and pavements within their area safe for everyone to use. If you have been injured as a result of a failure to do so, you may be entitled to compensation.
We can offer advice regarding personal injuries. For more information, please contact Healys LLP on 0800 2800432 or email us at