Tenants should take professional advice before renting out their homes to short-term paying guests via Airbnb, Booking.com or other internet booking sites. Continue reading →
For many parents, the objective of a will is to ensure even-handed treatment of loved ones, particularly children. However, as a High Court case strikingly showed, some may be in greater need than others and that too should be taken into account. Continue reading →
Many employers are taking laudable steps to increase diversity in their workforces by recruiting more women. However, as a case involving an unsuccessful candidate for a BBC radio broadcasting position showed, such considerations do not detract from the overriding obligation to avoid gender discrimination. Continue reading →
The freeholds of a great many blocks of flats are held by tenant-owned companies which operate on democratic principles. Such arrangements are, however, not a panacea and disagreements can arise. A guideline Supreme Court decision will, however, make it easier for tenants to know where they stand. Continue reading →
Vulnerable negligence victims sadly often fall into the clutches of unqualified people who hold themselves out as professionals with expertise in pursuing compensation claims. A High Court ruling served as a warning to all that practising law is for lawyers and that there can be no replacement for a qualified solicitor. Continue reading →
Social media posts fired off in anger can have grave legal consequences even if they are swiftly taken down. In an extreme case on point, a man who revealed his niece’s history of mental illness and self-harm to the world online was ordered to pay her substantial compensation for the hurt and distress she suffered. Continue reading →
Covid-19 has affected us all with most of us (whether as businesses or individuals) seeking to reduce expenditure/preserve cash as much as possible. This might cause you to delay pursuing any claims you may have. You would however be wrong to delay because Healys can (in the right circumstances) pursue your claim at no financial cost/risk to you whatsoever. Continue reading →
Public share offerings are heavily regulated to guard against sharp practice and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) tends to come down like a ton of bricks on those who break the rules. Continue reading →
Loved ones of those who die as a result of hospital negligence often understandably feel that there is no justice in the world. However, as one case showed, the right legal advice gives hope of receiving fair compensation. Continue reading →