15th February 2021 by

Under the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987, certain disposals trigger the right of first refusal. You will normally stumble across this when your landlord has notified you and your fellow leaseholders that it intends to make such a disposal and is offering it to you all first.

You will normally have a minimum of 2 months from receipt of the notice from your landlord within which to make enquiries, form a majority (more than 50% of the leaseholders in the block) and accept the offer. A failure to obtain a majority and / or serve a counter notice in time will give your landlord the freedom to sell to a third party.  You must therefore act quickly and decisively and Healys can take you step by step through the entire process from start to finish. We have over 10 years’ experience in handling such claims and can provide you with invaluable legal and commercial guidance.

If you would like more information or require assistance in this area then please contact Daniel Winslow, Partner and head of this firm’s Leasehold Services department.