Healys Launches Employment Workshops for 2019
The employer/employee relationship will be explored from start to finish with the team imparting invaluable best practice tips from their expansive experience of how and why things can go wrong and the best means of avoiding costly litigation.
The most up-to-date case law and insight will be used to fill any gaps in your knowledge, with back to basics legal overviews reminding you of the key principles. There will be no lecturing; instead an interactive discussion of your experiences will personalise and tailor the knowledge that you leave with.
The workshops will look beyond the law to helping you cultivate processes and procedures to avoid employees having any grounds to claim in the Employment Tribunal. Detailed written summaries of topics covered will be provided to you to take away.
All workshops will be FREE to attend. Refreshments and a light breakfast will be provided.
Workshop 1: 14th May 2019, 8:30 am – 10:30 am Who is an employee? Handbooks and policies and Equality Act 2010 discrimination
- Who is an employee and who is a worker and which rights come with each?
- Service contracts, implied and express terms and the enforceability of restrictive covenants.
- Employee handbook essentials and policies which should be in place.
- Maternity and paternity rights and shared parental leave updates.
- Discrimination: direct, indirect, disability discrimination and reasonable adjustments.
- How to prevent and approach accusations of discrimination.
Workshop 2: 4th June 2019, 8:30 am – 10:30 am Reacting to the Me Too movement and bullying and harassment
- Sexual harassment and best practice following the Me Too movement.
- Use of non-disclosure agreements, where they help and where they hinder.
- Safe environments for accusers and those accused and recent guidance.
- Bullying and harassment, definitions and alternative disciplinary measures.
- What employee behaviour can an employer be liable for? Are there any defences available to the employer for the behaviour of employees?
Workshop 3: 10th September 2019 8:30 am – 10:30 am Ending the employment and avoiding claims
- When can the employer end the employment relationship? Notice, pay in lieu of notice and garden leave.
- When is dismissal wrongful?
- Potentially fair reasons for dismissal and key differentiators between reasons.
- The paramount nature of procedure and fairness of procedure and common stumbling blocks.
- Best practice procedures to be followed for each potentially fair reason for dismissal.
- Without prejudice conversations and settlement agreement essentials.
Workshop 4: 8th October 2019 8:30 am – 10:30 am Receiving a grievance, when claim is made and what 2019 holds
- What constitutes a grievance and when a process must be initiated.
- When can an employee claim to have been constructively dismissed?
- Unfair dismissal and the band of reasonable responses.
- Overview of the Employment Tribunal and ACAS Early Conciliation.
- References, what employers are obliged to provide and guidelines.
- Likely developments in 2019 and updates (as little talk of Brexit as possible!).
To book your place or to find out any further information, please contact our marketing team by emailing marketing@healys.old-website.shout-loud.co.uk.