Pub Customer Achieves Six-Figure Damages Following Bar Stool Collapse

8th April 2020 by

Accidents may strike anywhere, at any time, and can have lifelong consequences. In a case on point, a pub customer suffered a severe ankle fracture when a bar stool collapsed underneath him. Following court proceedings, he secured almost £200,000 in compensation.

Although the fracture was surgically fixed with a metal plate, the satellite TV engineer has continued to suffer pain and reduced mobility in the years since the accident. His work was badly affected and enforced inactivity led to him becoming obese. Only after he underwent bariatric surgery did he return to a healthy weight.

The man launched proceedings against the pub’s owner. Whilst admitting liability for the accident, the owner disputed the value of the man’s claim. Following a hearing, a judge accepted that his weight gain was caused by the accident, which had also resulted in a substantial loss of earnings. He was awarded £198,343 in compensation, plus interest.

We can offer advice regarding personal injuries. For more information, please contact Healys LLP on 0800 2800432 or email us at