Gary Wainwright Raising Money for Kidney Research UK

19th April 2022 by

Gary Wainwright, head of Commercial Property and Real Estate Finance at Healys LLP will be running the London Marathon on Sunday 2nd October 2022.

The London Marathon returns to the city this autumn, with more than 40,000 regular and first-time runners expected to participate, all aiming to beat personal goals and raise awareness of worthy causes and money for charities.

Last year, Gary was diagnosed with stage 3B Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). CKD cannot be treated or reversed; and instead needs careful management in order to slow down or halt further progression of the disease. Living with CKD requires significant lifestyle and diet changes; but despite the challenges presented, Gary has been determined to not to be beaten by this diagnosis.

Gary will be training for the London Marathon for 5 months and aims to not only complete the 26.2 mile course, but also to raise funds for Kidney Research UK.

Gary said:

“My diagnosis with stage 3b chronic kidney disease last summer has led to a significant life change, not just for me but also for my family. I am raising money for Kidney Research UK to not only help fund research and treatment, but also to support CKD sufferers with the challenges they face. For someone with CKD, one of the biggest lifestyle changes is to their diet. What can and cannot be eaten is of fundamental importance, and dietary restrictions are massive and wide-ranging. It’s extremely difficult to buy any suitable pre-prepared food from shops; and options in restaurants are limited or non-existent. As a result I am keen to raise awareness of this issue so that people living with CKD have access to more help, advice and options when it comes to food that is available to prepare at home, or suitable to eat when out.”

If you would like to support Gary and Kidney Research UK with a donation, please visit Gary’s fundraising page:

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