Professional negligence lawyers for Alternative Dispute Resolution
If you have suffered financial loss as a result of the negligent actions of any kind of professional, it may be possible to claim compensation. The specialist professional negligence lawyers at Healys LLP bring clarity and direction to the dispute process and can help you find the best possible resolution in your circumstances.
Sometimes, the best method of resolving a professional negligence dispute will be to avoid litigation if at all possible and to employ the less adversarial processes of alternative dispute resolution (ADR).
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Fundamentally, the greatest advantage of alternative dispute resolution is that it keeps parties out of the courtroom, saving on time, contention, and legal costs.
As such, it has grown in popularity over the years, working as both an alternative and, sometimes, a first step in the litigation process.
Of course, not all cases are suited to this method, which can vary from the more informal setting of mediation to the greater formality of arbitration, which is overseen by a statutorily empowered arbiter who has it within his or her scope to order an enforceable award of damages.
Should ADR fail and the claim later reach the courts, the fact that parties have made earlier efforts to avoid litigation can often be a favourable factor in the eventual outcome of the case – the Civil Procedure Rules 1999 state that early stage alternative dispute resolution.
However, there is no obligation for parties to use ADR as a method of settling a claim. This said, if one party is approached about the possibility of alternative dispute resolution, it must respond within 14 days stating why it either agrees or disagrees with the proposal.
Professional negligence claims with Healys
Here at Healys LLP our professional negligence partners know how to make alternative dispute resolution work for you, while our team includes a CEDR accredited mediator.
We have flexible funding arrangements to suit you, including fixed fees, conditional fee arrangements, after the event insurance, and third party funding. We are committed to straightforwardness and transparency when it comes to costs and funding. We also always provide cost estimates, as well as a revised estimate for those cases which prove more complex than initially predicted.
Contact our specialists today by email or by calling our offices in London or Brighton.