Grandfather receives compensation after a fall from a train

21st July 2018 by

Healys Solicitors specialised personal injury team has helped a 61 year old grandfather of four claim criminal injuries (CICA) compensation after he was injured while travelling on a train.

Mr H was travelling on a train and as it arrived at the platform Mr H was pushed out the door by his assailant and landed head first onto the platform.  Mr H suffered a fracture to the skull, subarachnoidbleeding and as a result of the fall was left in a coma.

Mr H later recovered from his injuries but continues to suffer problems with his memory especially his short term.  He also has problems with planning and sequencing with everyday tasks and has difficulties with his balance.

Mr H’s wife took special leave from work to care for him and has been his carer since his discharge from hospital.

Mr H who was very active in life and with his grandchildren prior to the accident, now leads a fairly solitary and simple existence in order to minimise the effects of his brain injury.

The outcome of the case

Mr H decided to contact Healys Solicitors specialised personal injury team, who were able to gain expert medical advice, which supported our legal experts to secure Mr H a substantial sum in compensation.

If you require further information on the services we provide, please contact the Personal Injury team on 0800 280 0432 email