Boom, crash, and surveyor and property professional negligence
There is no doubt that the chief reason for pursuing a claim for surveyor and property-related professional negligence is significant financial loss incurred by the claimant.
Although the ultimate test of this is always going to be an individual matter, it is also true that times of generalised economic hardship make it more incumbent on claimants to seek damages – during recessions, economic depressions, and periods of austerity, claiming compensation for monetary loss caused by financial negligence is, understandably, a priority.
For example, during the fallout from the recessionary periods hitting Britain during the first two decades of this century, it became clear that record numbers of house buyers, lenders, and property developers were all seeking to make surveyor and property-related professional negligence claims for the losses they’d suffered as a result of poor financial and investment advice provided during the new millennium’s initial “boom” period. Continue reading →