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    Healys Solicitors’ Commercial Team is a dynamic and expanding area of the Firm.

    The Commercial Team offers an extensive variety of services to individuals and companies alike operating across a wide spectrum of sectors including financial services, property investment, transport, telecommunications and IT.

    We provide a full-service for the life-cycle of a transaction from the initial planning stage, through drafting and negotiation, culminating in the implementation of the relevant contracts and documents.

    The Commercial Team is equally adept at dealing with complex shareholders agreements as it is advising on straightforward business terms and conditions. Our goal remains the same, to deliver appropriate, creative and cost-effective solutions to our clients in order that they can operate their business without exposing themselves to avoidable risks.

    A fee basis is agreed in advance of all work we undertake.

    Call Us Today
    Call our London office on 020 7822 4000 or our Brighton office on 01273 685 888. You can also contact us online.
    Call Us Today
    London: 020 7822 4000 Brighton: 01273 685 888 Or you can contact us online: Contact Us
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